However, yesterday when I attended a networking event, I realized how wrong I was with the definition just like most others! At the event I got to know the real definition for these words.
The corrected definition of an Introvert is an individual who thinks and absorbs deep and before making a statement analyzes the situation. He/she needs to feel safe and give room for the other to think and breadth. He/she works best when left alone; they absorb in a group but process when alone.
On the other hand, an Extrovert is an individual who feels the need to be noticed, acknowledged and accompanied. This individual would not like to do things alone, does not have or like down time . They absolve and process at the same time. They are always on the move (socially outgoing).
These definitions changed my thought process completely. A depth thinker, processor and efficient individual is a great asset to the society and an organization. He/she will work in detail to get the expected results , while the fast mover will be working towards building stronger identity, the deep thinker will be building without being loud.
While driving home, it made me think how perceptions can be misguided and how it leads to conclusions that can build or break an image on an individual. It made me realize that I have a few very close introvert friends and probably because of them we all stand as a great group. For all the bubbly extroverts, the analytical introverts set the pace... and for the introverts, the extroverts add the color. This world would be incomplete without either of them
To all the introverts, you are not an unsung hero, for what you do, we the rest enjoy the results ... and to all the extroverts you showcase the introvert in the most beautiful way....
This February acknowledge the personality and positive qualities of the individuals you feel would add an experience to your learning curve and leave an thought that could be open doors to newer ideas
For " Style is a reflection of your Attitude and your Personality"
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