Augmented Reality...... Leading Innovation
With virtual reality, you will experience the real feel of a situation, the immersiveness and getting lost in another world.. yes! yes ! and yes ! it is all true. 2016 is considered the year of virtual reality, we are in the last quarter yet many have not experienced this amazing feeling. It is like a fairy tale where you love what you see but you can't bring it to your world. While virtual reality gives immersive experience , further down the road we see augmented reality that does not put you in a different environment, but brings the imagination to your world and gives an edge to every little thing.
Augmented Reality: what is it and why do we need it ?
It is an opportunity to bring the fairly tale to your life and experience a different feeling that has been missing till now. Many have asked me why do we need it? It took me a long time to come up with an answer, and the truth is I still don't have the right answer, however , I definitely feel that bringing your imagination to life is what marketing is all about and feeling it , is Augmented Reality. I know many of you will not agree but the truth about Augmented Reality will not be known till we live it in our day to day life, experience it in every aspect and compare to what we had missed, only then will we be able to find the answers on our own.
I am a big fan of Augmented Reality and I believe it will change the way we see things and experience life.. the next generation will see the world in a whole different way and the traditional thinking will fade off...
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