As we roll into 2017, we will see more discussions and case studies in the emerging technology sectors - IOT, VR, AR , MR and also AI. While most have a path forward to think, AI falls into the category of positive and maybe... What do I mean by that?
The school of thought:
While my interest and focus has been in Augmented Reality , lately I got absorbed into AI and realized the depth and potential of the technology and realized that it is far more than what we can realize in today's world. If we divide the world into different schools of thought :
School of Thought 1 : Feels you will see clear distinction between the thought school that agrees AI will change and transform the economy rapidly and will lead to better life and better jobs
I did a brief survey to understand the mindset of individuals on how they feel about AI affecting our economy, and here are the results:
School of Thought 2: Feels AI could be a disaster and ruin more jobs, increase unemployment reduce efficiency in human and eventually the world will be taken over by robot making mankind their slave! I agree this is an extreme thought but through my interaction with many I did sense the fear and threat the society many go though if AI takes over the world ...
Unlike the sci-fi movies we human still have a long way go to before technology can take over mankind
Case & Points:
I would like to believe that many have heard and tried the Virtual Assistance , it looks like a easy sync up and from my interview with a few, it was clear that virtual assistance does have a good future. I tried Amy and Andrew from during their beta version and it was a breeze, however it is not the final use of Artificial Intelligence. Virtual Assistance is good but it will not be able to replace the human , a real assistant does lot more than booking appointments like run real time data for cost analysis or a booking hotels for conference, negotiating for rates etc
AI is becoming more and more prominent and has been used as experiments in a few sectors. Let's take the example of healthcare sector: IBM's Watson is a great example where Watson has been used for in care patient treatment . The article below gives insight into the thought process:
Moving on to Education: Computer vision, machine learning , deep learning all contribute to building better education system . So far it is work-in-progress , but done right the results could change the way education is imparted.
The if and what ...Today I read about AI entering Banking and Finance . Here is where I think mixed feelings come into play. The fear of robots taking over the finance can get scary to a few. The common questions that come to our mind are: Will the amount be counted safe? What about the security? How do I interact ? and many more......
While the fear and excitement go hand in hand with AI, we still have a long way before AI can take over the word and make mankind their slave. However , on the bright side- AI has the potential to build better opportunities for the human race, for example -instead of thinking as jobs will be reduced, the right thought should be opening better opportunities for individuals and leaving the traditional work to the robots....
"Technology a friend and a foe, thought right could be a door opener to better life"
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