Thursday, December 22, 2016

AI- The New Excitement

As we roll into 2017, we will see more discussions and case studies in the emerging technology sectors - IOT, VR, AR , MR and also AI. While most have a path forward to think, AI falls into the category of positive and maybe... What do I mean by that?
The school of thought:
While my interest and focus has been in Augmented Reality , lately I got absorbed into AI and realized the depth and potential of the technology and realized that it is far more than what we can realize in today's world. If we divide the world into different schools of thought :
School of Thought 1 : Feels you will see clear distinction between the thought school that agrees AI will change and transform the economy rapidly and will lead to better life and better jobs
I did a brief survey to understand the mindset of individuals on how they feel about AI affecting our economy, and here are the results:
School of Thought 2: Feels AI could be a disaster and ruin more jobs, increase unemployment reduce efficiency in human and eventually the world will be taken over by robot making mankind their slave! I agree this is an extreme thought but through my interaction with many I did sense the fear and threat the society many go though if AI takes over the world ...
Unlike the sci-fi movies we human still have a long way go to before technology can take over mankind
Case & Points:
I would like to believe that many have heard and tried the Virtual Assistance , it looks like a easy sync up and from my interview with a few, it was clear that virtual assistance does have a good future. I tried Amy and Andrew from during their beta version and it was a breeze, however it is not the final use of Artificial Intelligence. Virtual Assistance is good but it will not be able to replace the human , a real assistant does lot more than booking appointments like run real time data for cost analysis or a booking hotels for conference, negotiating for rates etc
AI is becoming more and more prominent and has been used as experiments in a few sectors. Let's take the example of healthcare sector: IBM's Watson is a great example where Watson has been used for in care patient treatment . The article below gives insight into the thought process:
Moving on to Education: Computer vision, machine learning , deep learning all contribute to building better education system . So far it is work-in-progress , but done right the results could change the way education is imparted.
The if and what ...Today I read about AI entering Banking and Finance . Here is where I think mixed feelings come into play. The fear of robots taking over the finance can get scary to a few. The common questions that come to our mind are: Will the amount be counted safe? What about the security? How do I interact ? and many more......
While the fear and excitement go hand in hand with AI, we still have a long way before AI can take over the word and make mankind their slave. However , on the bright side- AI has the potential to build better opportunities for the human race, for example -instead of thinking as jobs will be reduced, the right thought should be opening better opportunities for individuals and leaving the traditional work to the robots....
"Technology a friend and a foe, thought right could be a door opener to better life"

Monday, November 7, 2016

Augmented Reality...... Leading Innovation

With virtual reality, you will experience  the real feel of a situation, the immersiveness and getting lost in another world.. yes! yes ! and yes ! it is all true. 2016 is considered the year of virtual reality, we are in the last quarter yet many have not experienced this amazing feeling. It is like a fairy tale where you love what you see but you can't bring it to your world. While virtual reality gives immersive experience , further down the road we see augmented reality that does not put you in a different environment, but brings the imagination to your world and gives an edge to every little thing.
Augmented Reality: what is it and why do we need it ?
It is an opportunity to bring the fairly tale to your life and experience a different feeling that has been missing till now. Many have asked me why do we need it? It took me a long time to come up with an answer, and the truth is I still don't have the right answer, however , I definitely feel that bringing your imagination to life is what marketing is all about and feeling it , is Augmented Reality. I know many of you will not agree but the truth about Augmented Reality will not be known till we live it in our day to day life, experience it in every aspect and compare to what we had missed, only then will we be able to find the answers on our own.
Image result for hare and tortoiseI get invited to many screening events that cover VR, AR, AI and IOT, and seeing the way the entrepreneurs think about technology has been an interesting experience. While people are working very hard to make their mark in the emerging technology sectors, I do believe that AR will take a while to grow and as it grows, it will evolve , thus changing the way the we experience things. Just like the story of the hare and the tortoise, where the victory is not based on how fast you think and feel but on how deep you plan keeping the focus on the finish line , AR will also take time to evolve and mature
I am a big fan of Augmented Reality and I believe it will change the way we see things and experience life.. the next generation will see the world in a whole different way and the traditional thinking will fade off...

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Got published first in Infinity Leap :
While Pokemon GO showed the world what augmented reality could mean as a game and brought a new wave of experience, there is a lot more to be discovered in this sector. Keeping the trends of AR and yet building a better experience, another start-up moBack is making waves to fill the gap through their new product moBack AR. While the technology has always favored developers and users, moBack is taking a step further by adding ease to the artist’s and animator’s life.
Building on top of what is already available to the public regarding virtual and augmented reality viewing and experiences, moBack AR is building a free platform for everyone to use. Artists can present their work followed by sound, animation, and textures, along with the 360 degree view to showcase their portfolio.  Enterprises and small business can upload shops and experiences to unveil their products for purchase, as well as provide a new and easier way to view goods within the user’s home without the hassle of walking through aisles and aisles of a store after store to find just the right thing. For people just wanting to use the app and not upload their content, the moBack AR app works similarly to that of Youtube with creators uploading their content to so as to be shared with the masses.  MoBack believes in building a portal to support all 3D work and content in VR, AR and probably in the future for MR thus opening the world of imagination and content to all the enthusiasts.
Apart from uploading and building a portfolio, the content creator can also share his/her work with others, and also view more content created by others. Adding another feature of application moBack AR helps the author place his/her work into different applications for a more advanced use than just building a portfolio.
The new revolution in content is not too far from your fingertips… try it to believe it

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Augmented Reality and Brain work

The world today is surrounded by Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality examples. Many are trying to bring the good out of this technology, starting from gaming, entertainment, AR and VR have come a long way to healthcare and education . Every now and then I hear a diversion that builds the hope these technologies can address issues leading to better tomorrow.
Since June , I have been attending a few conferences especially in AR and VR. The story revolves around the software and eye wear (hardware). This shows the  effort of bringing thoughts closer to reality has come a long way.
I am always looking for new ideas and concepts that are getting explored in this market. Most of the efforts are often in what we see and feel and it covers the majority of the population, but recently one company grabbed my attention.  This company is very new and is working towards building better mapping of brain especially for gifted individuals ( focusing more on Autism). For the past few months I have been spreading the thought of healthcare looking into special needs through AR and VR, the talks and thoughts have been well received but I did not come across any start-up that was looking into it , until last week..
While the technology is a great friend to mankind, we often overlook the "defined need" sector. Unlike us,these gifted individuals don't get many opportunities to explore and adapt with the advanced technology and the desire to do something for them has always been on my mind.
After helping financially challenged kids get better education and better life , I have  been looking for opportunities where service with technology can build towards a better life. AR has the potential to go deeper into healthcare and redefine the structure is now becoming a truth. IF AR can go deep into Autism today, it wont be long before it explores Cancer and more....
The success of  Virtual and Augmented Reality is still not known, but the efforts show the journey will open a  whole new direction for human race 
"While technology leads innovation, human needs direction"

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Introvert- The New Intellect

How often do you hear the statement " He/she is an introvert", or "He/she is an extrovert"? We make up our mind hearing someone else's opinion and label the person as an Introvert or an Extrovert. Once labeled , the effort of knowing  the individual takes a very low priority and it is mapped to our personal or professional needs . What does an Introvert or an Extrovert mean?  Introvert means an individual who is shy and does not talk much. An extrovert is a person who is open to talking and does not analyze too much before introducing himself.   My assumption is most of you agree with this definition, as for a long time I did too!

However, yesterday when I attended a networking event, I realized how wrong I was with the definition just like most others! At the event I got to know the real definition for these words.
The corrected definition of an Introvert is an individual who thinks and absorbs deep and before making a statement analyzes the situation. He/she needs to feel safe and give room for the other to think and breadth. He/she works best when left alone; they absorb in a group but process when alone.
On the other hand, an Extrovert is an individual who feels the need to be noticed,  acknowledged and accompanied. This individual would not like to do things alone, does not have or like down time . They absolve and process at the same time. They are always on the move (socially outgoing).
These definitions changed my thought process completely. A  depth thinker, processor and efficient individual is a great asset to the society and an organization. He/she will work in detail to get the expected results , while the fast mover will be working towards building stronger identity, the deep thinker will be building without being loud.

While driving home, it made me think how perceptions can be misguided and how it leads to conclusions that can build or break an image on an individual. It made me realize that I have a few very close introvert friends and probably because of them we all stand as a great group. For all the bubbly extroverts, the analytical introverts set the pace... and for the introverts, the extroverts add the color. This world would be incomplete without either of them

To all the introverts, you are not an unsung hero, for what you do, we the rest enjoy the results ... and to all the extroverts you showcase the introvert in the most beautiful way....

This February  acknowledge  the personality and positive qualities of the individuals you feel would add an experience to your  learning curve and leave an thought that could be open doors to newer ideas
For " Style is a reflection of your Attitude and your Personality"